The German History Society is delighted to announce the winners of our 2022 Undergraduate Essay Prize…
The first-place winner was Orli Vogt-Vincent (University of Cambridge), pictured below, whose essay concerned ‘Prisoners as Perpetrators? Nazi Concentration Camp Brothels, Masculinity, and Memory’.

Our joint runners up were Emily Calcraft (University of Sheffield), pictured below, who submitted an essay on ‘The Natural and the Unnatural’: Antisemitic Portrayals of Jewish Gender and Sexuality in Weimar Germany’, and Michelle Kiessling (Sheffield Hallam Universit), who submitted an essay on: ‘Perceptions and Representations of German War-Neurotics: A Study of Weimar Medical Literature, Art, and Media c. 1914-1933’. Both runners up were awarded a prize of £100.

A huge congratulations to Orli, Emily, and Michelle!